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Simply click below to fill out our interest form and someone from our team will be in touch to answer all your questions and explain the next steps.
Can't wait to connect with you!
We have people from a wide variety of recovery backgrounds and support all personal pathways of recovery - there is no "one size fits all" approach here.
Our members range from short to long term recovery, including months, years, and even decades of experience!
We are here to support each other's journey in such healthy, positive ways that no one circles back into active struggle or addiction. And if it does happen, there is a strong support network to help bring that individual back on their path.
Events & Activities
Attend any event on our calendar at no or low cost!
1-on-1 Recovery Coaching
Personal peer support by qualified staff members with lived experience.
Can be one-time or on a regular basis, also at no cost.
Join our Private Facebook Group
Our popular Recovery Beyond Community facebook group is a great way to stay connected and encouraged.
Recovery Beyond is a place to both get and give support!